Tuesday 30 April 2013

People and Place - Assignment 1

The Brief:

Drawing together your experience in completing the projects so far, using one person as a subject, create between 5 and 7 different portraits.
They should differ in type and style and each be from a separate photo session.
This work is to introduce yourself to your tutor and give them the opportunity to get to know you and your work.

My husband is a very busy person, what with working and in his final year at Uni and mid dissertation so I begged him for some of his time, hence the reason for the images taken in one session.

I set up my back ground and lighting and I got him to pose differently for me, in a couple of different outfits.

I used a Hi-lite box with 2 lights to the back of the set, and a main light with softbox to the front.
I tried to stick to 50-70mm for these images and move closer rather than using the lens to zoom in with.


I like the composition of this image, however I realise that there is not enough catch light in the eyes.

I got him to lean backwards on a chair with his arms behind his head, giving a relaxed feel to the image.  This was my favourite from the shoot.

Here I asked him to sit on the floor and hug one leg.  I think he also looks a little uncomfortable.

This is a very structured pose – and I am not really keen on it – I think its to formal!
for this image I used a venetian blind fixed to 2 tripod stands and placed a studio lamp behind it with barn doors and filter - I then ask him to stand close to the blind looking through so that the light would filter onto his face in lines, I wanted to re-create the previous attempt of my daughter earlier on only changing the light to artificial as I thought there would be less squinting - however the disadvantage of this is through the blinds all you can see is darkness!

Conclusion:  I actually have enjoyed working with natural light, but I am sure as time goes by that I will become more experienced with the studio lighting – as I do believe that I lack experience in this area.

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