Wednesday 17 October 2012

DPP 3 - Exercise: Managing Tone

DPP 3 - Exercise: Managing Tone

Perform this exercise on an image already taken, ideally that needs some of the adjustments mentioned.  Open in editing software and follow the procedures (depending if you shoot Raw or JPEG).
  • Set the black point
  • Assess and if necessary adjust the brightness of mid-tones
  • Adjust the contrast
  • If necessary make corrections to localised areas
Original image in raw before any adjustments made
Adjustments made were:
I slightly adjusted the brightness and also adjusted the contrast and I believe that this has helped give the image a more punchier look.  I also straightened the image ever so slightly.
I have now cropped the image so that the arch of the bridge is in the middle of the frame leading the eye into the frame.  Not always a good idea, however with this I think it depends on what exactly the composition is.
Another slight adjustment in curves