Thursday 18 October 2012

DPP 3 - Exercise: Interpretative processing

DPP 3 - Exercise: Interpretative processing

  • Choose an image that you feel is open to different creative interpretations
  • 3 Variations of the same image is required
Original image

I have choosen this image of a Bride and Groom that I recently took, they look happy, young and carefree, despite the Groom's nervousness around cameras.

Black and white

A slight alteration to the curves and then I converted it to black and white.
Sepia technique
Here I adjusted the hue/saturation and changed the image to give it a sepia toned effect, I slightly altered the slides to give a more desired look,  I prefer this look to the black and white image, as it has more warmth about it.
Old school vintage style technique
Original image as taken
screenshot with adjusted curves and a new fill layer with solid colour in royal blue added, blending mode changed to exclusion (070142)
screenshot with new fill layer and solid pink tone used this time blending mode changed to soft light and lowered opacity to about 75% (de9b82)

screenshot with new fill later and solid pink tone used (a different colour than before), blending mode changed to soft light and opacity lowered to about 50% (fed1eb)
screenshot of a final fill layer with a dark royal blue tone used, blending mode changed to exclusion, before duplicating the original image, dragging it to the top of the layers panel and changing the blending mode to soft light. (070044)
The final variation - Vintage Image
This vintage image is great I really love the variation in contrast between the original image taken and this vintage image process in photoshop, it gives a very dreamy feel to it.
I couldnt have done it alone - the process was the help of a youtube video: