Monday 19 November 2012

DPP 4 - Exercise - Addition

DPP 4 - Exercise - Addition

The brief:  Adding one element of an image to another image.
After alot of messy about and trying to master this exercise, I realised that I was not on the correct layer hence my struggling with not being able to get the sky to show through.  At last I have managed to do it.  This is something that I had not done before, so I had a look at a view youtube videos before I started.
Original image of Corbierre Lighthouse, Jersey with a really washed out sky line.
Copy and pasted a new skyline using layers, I choose a fairly cloudy sky as it was originally an overcast day and the main image is in shadow.  Even though it is a cloudy sky with a little blue areas I think it has increased the viewing of the image.
Here is another image that I tried this exercise on, just to run through the process again.  The original image of Corbierre Lighthouse.
The addition of a new skyline and alteration of contrast and brightness sliders