Sunday 24 February 2013

DPP 5 - Assignment 5 Personal project Research

The work of other Photographers!

David Fried Photography


I particularly like the take of this Artist, as he has a focus behind the subject of rain, that being the skyscapes.  All his rain photography images show fantastic skyscapes, with great colours and moody skys!
This has to my favourite
[Online image] [accessed on 30/12/12]

Noaya Hatakeyam Photography - Slow glass

Noaya has a book titled Slow Glass however at £214 it is a little out of my league.  I like the way he has used everyday scenes from lights trails to Cities and bridges in his slow glass images.

A random image from his slow glass theme

Gavin Hammond

London in Puddles

I particularly enjoyed viewing his work London in Puddles, this work lends itself very well to the monochrome side of photography and I particularly loved the abstract side too.

[Online image] [accessed on 30/12/12]

Alfie Goodrich Photography - Umbrellas in Japan

Alfie Goodrich has again used rain as his subject, but here he has mainly concentrated on umbrellas, although some images appear using an umbrella is more for shade.

This image is titled Evening Rain in Tokyo - I think it has a very mysterious appeal to it as the girl looks to be deep in thought, perhaps waiting for someone or maybe just waiting to cross the road.
[Online image] [Accessed on 30/12/12]

Mezmorising rain images

Ive been inspired by many of the above images from the various photographers, Id like to borrow a few ideas and also lend a few of my own too, I would also like to draw a few of the ideas together and see what happens. 
I plan to shot day and night images, and use lights to create colourful bokeh's (hopefully)
I also definately want to try and include an umbrella where I can, although I would also like to have a focus to lend towards the rain images, more of a topic like Gavin Hammond (London in Puddles) or Alfie Goodrich (Umbrellas).

Tips for shooting in the rain!
  • Whilst doing a little internet research, I found several tips for shooting in the rain.
  • Keep your camera dry either by using a camera raincoat or use a large enough plastic bag to cover it with a hole big enough for the lens.
  • Shoot from porches or doorways, or stay inside the car which is hopefully where most of my images will be taken, behind the windsreen of my little car!
  • Purchase an umbrella - two advantages, firstly it will keep you and your camera dry and secondly it can be used to frame your image.
  • Backlight the rain - Rain becomes more visable when it is lit from behind.  Shoot towards the light, a streetlight or a break in the clouds will do.  This will also create a nice bokeh effect.
  • Colour lends itself more in the rain as it pops out.  Also black and white is very effect in the rain.
  • Use a tripod for low light shots!
Here are a few of my own images that I have taken inspiration from in a trial run out in the rain.

Inspiration from David Fried
Inspiration from Noaya Hatakeyam
Ideas borrowed from other artists that I tried whilst on an trial rain shoot
Here is a spider diagram of my thought process in relation to this Assignment.
The research that I have done so far, and the thoughts that I have had in relation to this Assignment, however, now is a good time to finalise the exact route that I will take for this.