Exercise: Your camera's dynamic range
Find a scene with a high dynamic range:
- Bright sunlight
- at least one brightly reflecting surfaces
- an area of deep shadow with a dark surface
The front of the house with the door open and white card set beside the door, provides several different areas in the dynamic range. This was taken at 1/1600 f5.6 ISO 100.
A close up of the white card area 1/2000 f5.6 ISO 100
1/1000 f5.6 ISO 100
1/160 f5.6 ISO 100
Here I checked several points within the original image of different surfaces in the picture, they ranged from 1/400 to 1/2000 which is 7 stops difference. This exercise was completely new to me and not something that I have practised before, so I have learned some interesting new skills here.